Seminário FIP 797

Coordenação: Prof. Fabrício A. Rodrigues

Seminário de Tema Livre: Synthetic Genomics: “What cannot create, I do not understand”

Doutoranda: Marcia Ferreira Queiroz. Data: 19/11/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: prof. Acelino Couto Alfenas.

Synthetic genomics is a branch of synthetic biology, which has been defined as the manipulation and engineering of an organism’s genetic material on the scale of the whole genome, based on technologies to […]

Seminário de Tema Livre: Artificial intelligence at the service of plant pathology

Doutorando: Luis Ignacio Cazón. Data: 12/11/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: Prof. Emerson M. Del Ponte.

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have played an important role in different areas of society. Agronomy is one of them. Fields of great economic importance, such as integrated disease management […]

Seminário de Tema Livre: Landscape genetics: a useful approach for the study of populations of plant pathogens

Doutorando: Rhaphael Alves Silva. Data: 29/10/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: Prof. Eduardo S. G. Mizubuti.

Landscape genetics (LG) was set as a field of study in 2003 by Manel et al. (doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(03)00008-9), and is defined as “research that combines population genetics, landscape ecology, and spatial analytical techniques to explicitly quantify […]

Seminário de Tema Livre: Thresholds in plant disease management: concepts, applications and challenges

Doutorando: Jhonatan Paulo Barro. Data: 22/10/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: Prof. Emerson M. Del Ponte

The concept and use of thresholds in pest management was proposed during the 1950s by entomologists who were concerned with the indiscriminate and unjustified use of chemicals. The concept was transferred to plant pathology and […]

Seminário de Tema Livre: Do Sistema Agrícola atual às Mudanças Climáticas: os Novos Desafios da Fitopatologia

Doutoranda: Flávia Caroline Torres Rodrigues. Data: 15/10/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: Prof. Fabrício de Ávila Rodrigues.

Atualmente, os problemas ambientais tem chamado a atenção de várias esferas na sociedade e nesse contexto, o Brasil tem se tornado o centro das discussões mundiais onde é questionado qual a responsabilidade do sistema agrícola […]

Seminário de tema livre: Use of Trichoderma spp. against witches’ broom disease of cacao in Brazil and pod rot disease in Africa: prospects and challenges

Doutoranda: Miraine Kapeua Ndacnou. Data: 08/10/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: Professor Robert Weingart Barreto.

The most devastating disease of Theobroma cacao in Africa is black pod  (BP) – caused by  oomycetes of the genus Phytophthora spp. – and the worst disease of this crop in Brazil is witches’ broom (WB) – […]