Doutoranda: Marcia Ferreira Queiroz. Data: 19/11/2019, às 16:00 horas no Anfiteatro do ESB. Orientador: prof. Acelino Couto Alfenas.
Synthetic genomics is a branch of synthetic biology, which has been defined as the manipulation and engineering of an organism’s genetic material on the scale of the whole genome, based on technologies to design and chemically synthesize pieces of DNA and to assemble them to long, chromosome-sized fragments. Over the past decade, the synthetic genomics approach has produced several notable successes, especially in microbial systems. Compared to synthetic genomics in bacteria and yeast, synthetic genomics in plants is still lagging behind. However, the challenge of synthetic plant genomics has been initiated. But why bother synthesizing a genome? Will synthetic plant genomics contribute to disease-resistance in plants? The exciting field of synthetic genomics offers a new way of understanding the rules of life and will open new possibilities in applied science. The aim of this seminar is to summarize recent progresses and to present some challenges and future prospects in the synthetic genomic